
Karangahape Rd
Auckland CBD

Ironbank was proudly recognised as ‘one of the world’s best officed buildings’ in 2008 with its revolutionary design collecting prizes in commercial, sustainable architecture and urban design awards. Visitors to Ironbank are treated to a unique experience in Auckland’s liveliest precinct, and the current tenants are thriving in what has been called ‘an inspiring space that’s great for your people and your pocket’.


Sustainable by Design

Innovative from the start, Ironbank was awarded New Zealand’s first 5 Star As-Built Greenstar rating, which began with the recycling of ninety percent of construction and demolition waste on the old Deka site.

It didn’t stop there though and Ironbank has continued to lead the pack ever since. Under the most recent NABERSNZ rating, Ironbank was awarded 5.5 stars for energy efficiency demonstrating the highest score awarded to a NZ building.

These environmental accolades have been achieved through a combination of features including automated natural ventilation systems, which has the double-whammy positive effect of reduced emissions and increased employee productivity.

Cleverly located on a public transport and cycle route, Ironbank tenants can take advantage of end of trip facilities and secure bike parking. For those in cars, parking is managed by an automated 96 car-stacker.

Boasting rainwater harvesting, onsite composting, a full recycling programme, and a base-building managed under a Toitu carbon net-zero programme, businesses can move in confidently knowing this space holds genuine green credentials.

Listings Inside the Building


503/150 Karangahape Rd, Suite 3, Level 5

$850 per week (+GST, Opex) 152 sqm


22a Cross St, Ironbank Building

$400 per week (+GST, Opex) 38 sqm

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303/150 Karangahape Rd, Suite 3, Level 3

$925 per week (+GST, Opex) 152 sqm

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603/150 Karangahape Rd, Suite 3, Level 6

$850 per week (+GST, Opex) 150 sqm

Adventurous and Award Winning

Considered one of the city’s most architecturally innovative and sustainable developments, the seven-story complex, designed by RTA Studio, houses retail and small to medium offices.

Ironbank’s five towers are interconnected by footbridges surrounding an inner-city garden sanctuary of green walls and extensive planting. The result is a cosy sense of community that will have your clients eager to meet on your turf.

There’s attention to detail at every level. The tower of stacked weathered steel cladded boxes holds a strong sculptural quality, which is harmonised into its surrounds perfectly through a glass reinforced concrete façade on the Karangahape face acting as a ‘veil’, conceived as an abstraction of the historical facades adjacent.